Tuesday, 1 February 2011Forks Avenue | Go to post ➜
The day didn't started out so great. I was lazy to get out of bed 'coz of the silver clouds in the sky and the drizzle that made me wanna curl more in my unwarming and lifeless bed and yet I have to... errands to make, classes to attend to and everything else on the list. The weather makes me wanna melt and just lay down the bed. I'd be so unproductive if this kind of clouds continue to block my sunny day.
23:07 |
I don't think you've heard ★
I'm a relatively good girl. I don't eat my veggies. I usually
get myself caught staring at the blank air doing nothing.I have an absolutely sweet tooth and I like
chocolates and candy floss although they make me look kiddish most of the time. I think my life
is composed of a beautiful melody, although as of now its kinda messy :P
DarLinkschik★ |
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